In a recent Forsythe Group meeting, I posed a few questions to our team. The questions varied from what we enjoyed about real estate to are we fulfilling our purpose in our positions. They were questions that evoked much consideration and as our team contemplated the answers, we had good discussion amongst ourselves.
Over the course of my career, the 40+ years in real estate has taught me to often reflect on what I'm doing well and work to improve upon it, never leaving it alone. These were principles I was taught and the questions we discussed were to encourage the team to do just that - never leave your career alone.
With this in mind, maybe you need to get back to the basics of why you chose the career path you're on. Maybe you are struggling to remember what you enjoy most or need to evaluate what areas you need to grow in. Some of the questions we considered were:
1. What does a typical day look like?
2. What do you enjoy most about your career?
3. What do you need, to accomplish your goals or do your job better?
4. Are you on the right path in order to reach your full potential in your life and career?

Dream big and make a plan to accomplish that dream. Change your path if necessary but don't lose sight of your dream. Easier said than done, right?
Some of the things we don't have control over but we can accomplish what's in our control. May these questions evoke the same thought and insight as they did for our team yesterday.
To do this with your own team or even on your own, grab our printable version of these questions to jot down your thoughts!
Printable Worksheet: Back to the Basics Worksheet